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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.

Generated by auto-changelog.


29 April 2024


29 April 2024


19 April 2024

  • remove MasaToken deployment f3389d7
  • redeploy to sepolia 5fbf696
  • remove old masatoken addresses bd21d3e
  • update MasaToken address in README 7a81440


18 April 2024


5 February 2024


9 January 2024

  • redeploy to sepolia fba0102
  • remove StakingMasaToken deployment info fac4ed8
  • deploy to sepolia 518049c
  • deploy NodeRewardPool to sepolia cf3a7c8
  • regenerate documentation efcdd74
  • regenerate documentation 619c502
  • add NodeRewardPool test 59a67c5
  • add NodeRewardPool smart contract 648a6b1
  • remove non used env files ac6b5c1
  • remove non used networks 2edd84c
  • stake needed amount on test 7ce48d8
  • add NodeDataMetrics smart contract 4d91bbb
  • rename from StakingMasaToken to StakedMasaToken c83c9e5
  • add comments 4e74a7a
  • add NodeRewardPool deployment script f477c5d
  • remove unused env variables d78820b
  • add NodeDataMetrics deployment script 2ec9468
  • add comments and upgrade to solc 0.8.18 5914293
  • regenerate documentation 4bcc3b0
  • add comments e86d701
  • remove event Log from StakedMasaToken 68ebb0b
  • regenerate documentation f41dd2a
  • rename from publicKey to nodeAddress bbf7243
  • reject any staking attempts that do not meet or exceed the minimumStake 01f0044
  • add minimumStake variable d69d70a
  • update nodeData test value 4a22cd1
  • rename to MINIMUM_STAKE 13dafd9
  • update readme file 497ed91
  • remove stakedMasaToken from test 15bf420
  • check rewardPool amount 9a94c44
  • change event position in code 13d8376
  • add MINIMUM_STAKING_AMOUNT variable 12b558b
  • fix multiplier for calculate rewards fb4299c
  • remove unused imports bb7f0f5
  • add minimum stake parameter to deployment script 81730d3
  • Release 0.1.2 6ef1f9f
  • add NodeDataMetrics and NodeRewardPool ABIs to npm package 58c67ee
  • check Invalid period in getNodeData() 173f954
  • fix typo b6c52f4
  • burn from withdrawing account, not from general supply 15555af


1 December 2023


1 December 2023

  • remove files and add smart contracts dfea1fe
  • regenerate documentation 10631e9
  • deploy SoulboundIdentity to bsc 535495b
  • remove deployments to alfaores, bsctest and mumbai cdf53ea
  • deploy to mumbai 4c61711
  • deploy to bsctest 365a8a8
  • deploy to alfajores aa08180
  • regenerate documentation a6a4d9a
  • deploy SoulboundIdentity 6e9acf8
  • deploy to mainnet 4f78dfd
  • Redeploy to goerli bbf8323
  • create flattened versions of the reference SBTs 83bb101
  • deploy to basegoerli 4c76cfc
  • deploy to base network 5342234
  • update docs b4e8c19
  • update docs 18f5dc0
  • switch to dodoc doc generator 3a9c36d
  • remove alfajores deployment 3d2ef1a
  • deploy to goerli b52d39c
  • redeploy smart contracts 8fdcefa
  • remove deployments to test aae150b
  • remove deployments to test 8b4b930
  • remove deployments in test 3037776
  • remove rinkeby deployment 01f9e51
  • remove tests and scripts 934517b
  • deploy to celo a7dbf70
  • add deployment files to opbnb 4134e41
  • redeploy to goerli 8e1bf50
  • deploy CreditScore, Identity and Store to Polygon d4ca45e
  • initial version 7316edd
  • revert ethereum-waffle package to 3.4.4 cb2dbac
  • deploy to alfajores 9985b6c
  • redeploy to goerli 3b9f2ad
  • redeploy to mumbai 9c79ad9
  • redeploy smart contracts 3cae955
  • install ethereum-waffle package aa8dcdd
  • make ASBT mint functions payable 64caecd
  • redeploy to alfajores 3ac7fd4
  • deploy to sepolia d646632
  • upgrade @types/node version c18d5d1
  • deploy smart contracts to rinkeby 73e8885
  • upgrade typescript version 1e8f7b3
  • redeploy to rinkeby 064383d
  • deploy to scroll fd98358
  • deploy to scrolltest 1ce2c9b
  • deploy to alfajores af2a697
  • redeploy smart contracts 4a729a6
  • redeploy smart contracts ac19c06
  • update docs 4aab367
  • use masa SBT implementation 95cbe28
  • deploy SoulboundIdentity to bsctest 77e4ac1
  • deploy SoulboundGreen to Base 73fd9d9
  • fix erc20Token naming issue 3ecdb81
  • deploy to rinkeby 69fd3ee
  • redeploy to rinkeby a9238b2
  • redeploy to alfajores 93ae860
  • remove slither files 2700316
  • deploy to polygon bd3f41f
  • deploy credit score to mumbai 11bec9b
  • redeploy to mumbai 394d6df
  • redeploy to mumbai 972bf81
  • redeploy to mumbai bbea9ad
  • deploy to mumbai 8028827
  • deploy to BSC 9838d2c
  • deploy to CELO 7c9caf8
  • deploy SoulboundGreen to mainnet 72390ad
  • redeploy to bsctest 1d43288
  • redeploy to alfajores 6721964
  • redeploy to alfajores 2f5424e
  • redeploy to bsctest b184f2b
  • redeploy to bsctest 7451a2e
  • redeploy to alfajores 8fb17a4
  • deploy to bsctest 42f2da4
  • deploy to alfajores e81bb34
  • deploy soulboundGreen to Goerli c463417
  • deploy to alfajores 929b73b
  • add solidity-coverage 2fd8b4e
  • redeploy smart contracts to goerli 13b1784
  • update documentation 8c39ead
  • add ReferenceStatefulSBTSelfSovereign smart contract 6504db2
  • redeploy smart contracts d4e7b2f
  • add ReferenceStatefulSBTAuthority smart contract fd30859
  • revert to openzeppelin/contracts version 4.9.3 e288118
  • use AccessControl instead of Ownable, and add PaymentGateway to SBTs 9c4811f
  • redeploy to rinkeby 435fd30
  • regenerate documentation 70584c3
  • redeploy to alfajores 246c204
  • install release-it package f525aeb
  • feature: flatten 6dce57e
  • redeploy to goerli c579544
  • deploy SoulStore to mumbai af09082
  • add MasaStatefulSBT smart contract d7ef45e
  • add docs for NFT and SBT 9349b16
  • update flattened contracts 6929be5
  • redeploy to alfajores f16e379
  • add hardhat-gas-reporter 79860ad
  • remove references to previous repository cf89fa6
  • prettify reference flattened smart contracts 4cde851
  • redeploy to rinkeby 8ca115a
  • prettify smart contracts fa809ac
  • redeploy smart contracts 6936dc8
  • add SoulBoundName nft smart contract aa95cac
  • prettify 33148ad
  • regenerate flattened smart contracts 27c5eaa
  • remove @nomiclabs/hardhat-solhint 6a48a50
  • regenerate flattened fbb4790
  • regenerate flattened e79c579
  • prettify ceb7acf
  • regenerate flattened files b64ef77
  • regenerate flattened files a043b1e
  • regenerate flattened smart contracts cdc9e15
  • update documentation b95edeb
  • redeploy smart contracts to Goerli faeba01
  • add documentation comments 8253d2f
  • remove MASA smart contract 621f15a
  • rename variables on MasaSBTDynamic 0beee47
  • implement ILinkableSBT in MasaSBT 29f407c
  • redeploy to Alfajores fb16e3c
  • redeploy to alfajores 6d313e6
  • add deployment scripts 9e91c96
  • Added ERC-1155 boilerplate contracts e73fccc
  • added first draft of soul linker 1b1ca1c
  • put mint functions on MasaSBTAuthority 67a90a5
  • regenerate documentation 02d3217
  • create SBTLinked smart contract 8d133e4
  • redeploy to base c56b745
  • regenerate docs ef33618
  • regenerate documentation 7209aaf
  • regenerate documentation 72213e2
  • regenerate documentation cced850
  • rename to stakingmasacontract ee93c9c
  • regenerate documentation 05280d4
  • add MasaSBTChild smart contract 2976c82
  • regenerate documentation 36f423c
  • put mint functions on MasaSBTSelfSovereign 640890e
  • regenerate documentation 2ad98ef
  • rename utilityToken to masaToken 856861c
  • regenerate documentation 480551e
  • update docs b58edd6
  • install eslint 33f11da
  • prettify e458eb7
  • add solhint 8c502b4
  • convert AccessControl to Ownable 969b262
  • redeploy to alfajores 35d67f5
  • deploy only soulbound2FA in celo, polygon and bsc 1bb6016
  • regenerate documentation 10bfa6e
  • redeploy to alfajores a0e55b1
  • remove Pausable inheritance in tokens d4d4551
  • regenerate documentation 4320ad8
  • regenerate documentation 9c18d52
  • rename permission for link in SoulLinker 9145c0a
  • regenerate SC documentation ec8a6f2
  • regenerate documentation d418d4e
  • rename reserve wallet to treasury wallet 31e659b
  • redeploy to rinkeby fe66fc3
  • redeploy to alfajores 7e9a2c9
  • redeploy to alfajores, verifying smart contracts 3cf213d
  • add hardhat-solhint package 5197f83
  • redeploy to alfajores 8bf9bb9
  • remove tool scripts 5b62787
  • put mint functions on child smart contracts 3c9e61b
  • regenerate documentation 268293c
  • reorder constructor parameters 4dbbf32
  • redeploy to alfajores d128f7b
  • deploy solboundidentity to opbnb 3d7acd8
  • rename admin to owner in tests 586ec4b
  • upgrade from solidity 0.8.8 to 0.8.18 be78e06
  • redeploy to mumbai 1ba0308
  • put mint functions on child smart contracts 95a3c16
  • regenerate documentation 14915c9
  • redeploy SoulName to alfajores b9de21c
  • regenerate documentation 26f0e86
  • add custom errors in PaymentGateway 6c91f02
  • redeploy to rinkeby 08dbb8d
  • redeploy to alfajores cfc6990
  • redeploy smart contracts to alfajores bff6898
  • redeploy base goerli SoulName 5deb63c
  • redeploy to base goerli cb8c74f
  • regenerate documentation 3bb5106
  • update ethers 6ae6cd0
  • rename purchaseNameInfo() to getPriceForMintingName() e1bfa49
  • fix soul store test 3ddef50
  • rename mintingPrice to mintPrice c6e2f6a
  • move signature verification from SoulName to SoulStore 6048b5d
  • regenerate docs d7bfee0
  • add functions to SoulBoundIdentityData 2c47287
  • redeploy SoulName to celo 30ee27d
  • fixed metadata url and make it configurable per network 40e021a
  • remove MasaSBTLinked and MasaSBTLinkedPayable smart contracts 7fe2212
  • inherit SoulFactory from DexAMM 5d83c6b
  • regenerate documentation 5a0b6c2
  • redeploy to mumbai 44550e9
  • remove mintingIdentityAndNamePrice and mintingIdentityPrice 0c0d016
  • inherit from Pausable and AccessControl 5275e47
  • add SameValue and ZeroAddress custom errors 72dbe6e
  • upgrade typechain version 4308655
  • redeploy to alfajores network b137c91
  • rename SoulBoundName to SoulName 4d704be
  • redeploy to goerli 0f8fd8d
  • redeploy to bsctest d6022e2
  • add test for statefulSBT 1b9a477
  • redeploy to alfajores ade62d6
  • set single quotes to double cb934ae
  • put maxSBTToMint variable on MasaSBT smart contract 6ab5a0f
  • regenerate docs fe0a98e
  • fix SoulStore tests bf52a05
  • redeploy to rinkeby 152fe48
  • Updated 1bbc4c3
  • fix tests c9cab3f
  • redeploy to polygon 8029847
  • regenerate documentation 326b7cc
  • redeploy to mainnet c5ac4e8
  • redeploy to celo 24e3095
  • redeploy to bsc d061ee3
  • add queryLink() tests a4ab679
  • add documentation to SBT 29ddff6
  • prettify .ts and .js code ae3b18b
  • add variables to PayDexAMM 791779b
  • add custom errors 6741872
  • regenerate documentation 6a24b09
  • regenerate documentation 52d68ec
  • unify sign hash signatures 594bf97
  • regenerate documentation 86ec5ea
  • fix Soulbound2FA tests 983e479
  • regenerate documentation c9aca0b
  • remove linkedSBT from SoulLinker d4aac84
  • add ReferenceSBTSelfSovereign smart contract 9209dcd
  • set smart contract variables only on hardhat be3546c
  • regenerate documentation ac93b2e
  • rename getIdentityData to getSoulNameData 9355a29
  • add mintingIdentityAndNamePrice 16a0af4
  • remove queryLink() function 0134285
  • regenerate documentation c9d21f8
  • add PaymentParams utility function 7953328
  • regenerate documentation 653f105
  • regenerate documentation 358cc50
  • rename SoulFactory to SoulStore in tests a37418d
  • let minting identity or name fb7d298
  • remove ISoulLinker interface 1b07303
  • rename getIdentityNames to getSoulNames e9aff30
  • inherit classes from SBT and NFT 24e5ae3
  • remove createLink() and removeLink() functions b0f7001
  • rename 2fa to green 1acd89b
  • remove mintPrice from SSBT constructors and add mintPriceMASA a1d7293
  • add custom errors in SoulName 14a4024
  • rename owner to admin in tests 471c619
  • convert SoulLinker SC from Ownable to AccessControl 6a940ed
  • regenerate documentation 8370009
  • regenerate documentation 7eacda3
  • restore functions in IUniswapRouter 6fc4263
  • implement _payForMinting() 43654f5
  • rename events 94e6195
  • rename getPriceForMintingName() return variable in tests e71ddfc
  • add custom errors in SoulLinker 0c66831
  • added role description 3d43ccc
  • rename treasuryWallet to projectFeeReceiver in tests 753cced
  • show protocol fees when price is not zero d442c07
  • add documentation to NFT 05ecb08
  • rename to DexAMM 0f1dc4a
  • dont use signature for DynamicSelfSovereign d918ec0
  • redeploy to alfajores 070d1cb
  • regenerate SC documentation e1b6358
  • rename nameExists to soulnameExists f6ab2b0
  • add getLinkData() function 4b534fa
  • add reserveWallet 2c7360f
  • rename soulNameExists() to isAvailable() 945d475
  • Init truffle 91bc4a1
  • move mint functions to 2FA and CreditScore 81949b6
  • don't implement mint functions in abstract contracts 35eefa7
  • remove queryLink() function tests 978f056
  • inherit ReferenceSBTDynamicSelfSovereign from MasaSBTSelfSovereign 7b54a2e
  • regenerate documentation cf5ff5c
  • added etherscan verification 9763c39
  • revert link SoulName to account instead of SoulboundIdentity c98c38d
  • regenerate documentation f57b302
  • add mintPrice to MasaSBT and convert _verifyAndMint() to _mintWithCounter() 16432bc
  • reorder functions in SoulBoundName 13f77ff
  • add typechain support 1c92d6b
  • redeploy to alfajores b471476
  • rename SoulboundCreditReport to SoulboundCreditScore in tests ea70b16
  • regenerate documentation b4c74c5
  • fix soul linker flow 4b12a86
  • fix SoulboundCreditScore test issues 757210c
  • regenerate documentation 3fe8af3
  • remove compiler warnings 6043129
  • Don't throw when "Contract source code already verified" error 46bfc85
  • add check-protocol-fee script 3633395
  • regenerate documentation 717ee62
  • make MasaNFT ownable 27137d9
  • create Utils library 392eee2
  • remove Etherscan.ts utility script b66ba33
  • regenerate documentation 5cd707d
  • query using graphql 2b9c69d
  • add InvalidPaymentMethod custom error f643a96
  • remove unused functions in IUniswapRouter 03256dd
  • unify signing data in signTypedData() function 7fb824f
  • add WithoutBeforeMintStates check 84692e7
  • add PROJECT_ADMIN_ROLE 9aba0f5
  • add prettier and eslint configuration 60600b9
  • add deployDynamicSSSBT script 4d239a7
  • inherit ReferenceSBTDynamicAuthority from MasaSBTAuthority 610072e
  • add deployASBT script 5a21565
  • regenerate documentation 4319fa3
  • add _pay() method f79e9a7
  • rename registerPerYearNamePrice to nameRegistrationPricePerYear c5b08d6
  • emit the events in the public functions 1a35df2
  • restore SoulboundGreen deployment script ea0b834
  • add signatures for setting states 0f9bc54
  • add MasaSBTLinkedPayable smart contract 070914e
  • remove eslint 904fb33
  • change Mint signature to MintGreen and MintCreditScore 79474ca
  • validate signature when mint Soulbound2FA SBT 343d4b9
  • redeploy to mumbai 9ed421c
  • regenerate documentation 825a639
  • rename rinkeby to goerli 76a8df2
  • Updated with ETH Rinkby tests and CELO Alfrajores tests db3401b
  • rename StatefulSBT to SBTDynamic 6b18941
  • call verifyOnEtherscan() function from deployment scripts 1356962
  • get addPermissionPrice from SBT token 7ee26cd
  • added network specific envs 3e372f5
  • add minting tests with $MASA and USDC d2c6f2f
  • regenerate documentation ff84a4d
  • modify tsconfig.json 3f2034e
  • regenerate documentation ec1487f
  • add signatureDate and data to soullinker permissions 6770957
  • redeploy to bsctest 6d923c5
  • add queryLink() function to SoulLinker 90b54b5
  • don't deploy all smart contracts to opbnb 3c200fa
  • regenerate documentation 9648fe5
  • mint CreditScore using a valid signature e9edcc2
  • create two functions: one for price and one for price and protocol fee 7c48924
  • use env payment params in test scripts bf73924
  • regenerate smart contracts documentation c8ea929
  • update merge conflicts 6e96844
  • rename SBT to MasaSBT and NFT to MasaNFT a2511e7
  • add mint test for SBT Name a8dac24
  • redeploy to alfajores 5c6790c
  • add minter-addresses script for alfajores 130f5fc
  • pay for storing the permission cbf702c
  • remove identityId parameter from createLink() and removeLink() 4a04890
  • regenerate documentation b522626
  • redeploy SoulboundGreen to base goerli 02c9ba4
  • add MasaSBTAuthority smart contract 1c4b562
  • remove generating metadata from the SoulName NFT 85a5ea0
  • made identity a singleton 13837cb
  • add setState() function 7905eb6
  • object destructuring in SoulStore test 10b696b
  • update SoulboundGreen deployment script a194e0c
  • regenerate documentation 4e9d709
  • prettify eca17f9
  • return SoulName id in getTokenData() dd81892
  • regenerate documentation e739207
  • purchase name tests 99583d9
  • fix getPriceForMintingName() tests 0731d26
  • add arweave link parameter to tests d26d8c9
  • add functions for get identity name from identityId a968ace
  • add Soulbound2FA test script 0bb0c16
  • regenerate documentation 849d1e9
  • remove underscore characters in SOULNAME_PRICE f9d1261
  • add MasaSBTSelfSovereign smart contract e56c727
  • add payment method when minting sbts in tests f45867b
  • rename defaultStableCoin to stableCoin bc5d334
  • change isAvailable() function logic 636b33f
  • prettify 833c2a7
  • add sbt factory smart contract 2e4f70a
  • v1 credit report metadata mock a026e02
  • regenerate documentation d06f292
  • add SoulLinker test ef1f274
  • add individual tokenURI to token when minting 13ec425
  • add getIdentityNames() implementation bbf0bd9
  • rename stakingTokenRepresentation to stakingMasaToken 9249031
  • show protocol fees when price is zero 024076e
  • add abstract NFT smart contract 2735c50
  • add paymentGateway to MasaSBT bc32c4c
  • add period to tests 3227974
  • resolve conflicts e1bd6e0
  • add sbt and nft name and symbol .env parameters for each network 4e8d8ff
  • use admin instead of owner in deployment scripts 31044a8
  • add MasaSBTChild.getIdentityId() b0bae57
  • set ReentrancyGuard only on parent smart contracts c0255ad
  • regenerate documentation d2736f2
  • rename period to yearsPeriod de7b317
  • add tests 2ef6762
  • regenerate documentation 3e104b9
  • add removePreMintState() and removePostMintState() functions d05d884
  • fix test issues for new mint() functions c084b34
  • mint SBT verifying the signature of the authority 9d889e0
  • add events to SoulLinker 9eedc02
  • inherit SoulBoundName directly from ERC721 2e4c373
  • add signature to address in SoulboundCreditScore cba35aa
  • add setDefaultStableCoin() and setUtilityToken() e13c072
  • add setState and _hash functions to ReferenceStatefulSBTSelfSovereign df6542f
  • add CallerNotOwner custom error fd1d9cc
  • collect information from identity minters instead of name minters dbc0e79
  • regenerate documentation d9e44d5
  • mint SBT child only if you have an identity e116615
  • add a "store permission price" in $MASA, without conversion 31e9ee7
  • rename soulnameExists to soulNameExists d45f900
  • _getSwapAmounts ac41062
  • regenerate documentation e4a7462
  • convert mining price to a mapping register per year price 10eaa50
  • rename protocolFeeWallet to protocolFeeReceiver 326d505
  • add identity reference to MasaSBT instead of SSSBT 9ed0e1a
  • add .env files for other networks 0c7fc01
  • add SoulName.getTokenId() function cf82444
  • regenerate documentation 5d9cfb2
  • read all smart contract values 2391ba4
  • implement updateIdentityId() 763fd60
  • remove old metadata c3bc58d
  • fix SoulLinker test 0137d83
  • fix SoulLinker test issue 2798fd9
  • update changelog 5e48300
  • regenerate documentation decd940
  • rename mapping names in SoulName a79716d
  • add purchase tests c981207
  • put reentrancy guard on public functions bf58146
  • set the variables on test networks 9b9e99d
  • fix smart contract addresses and prettify 2036c71
  • convert getRegisterPerYearNamePrice to a public function 347f863
  • implement and use ISoulboundIdentity interface dab9503
  • rename resolveName() to getData() 3d20096
  • add SoulLinker.getLinks() function 5eae288
  • fix tests for getPriceForAddPermission() 5b411b8
  • remove purchaseIdentityAndNameInfo() function 332b1e8
  • add scroll env variables a295887
  • remove set a default SoulName tests from SoulName bc2a0b5
  • rename events when minting SelfSovereign SBTs 95457ed
  • rename soulNameContract to soulName 44e7d00
  • check values in tokenURI() and prettify eed5acc
  • add signature to address in Soulbound2FA bf1c486
  • mint SoulboundCreditScore without using identity d25eef2
  • mint Soulbound2FA without using identity 17f76ca
  • regenerate documentation 1197e38
  • add setStatesAndMint() function 7001408
  • update: changelog d360ead
  • we need to add tokens to erc20token if we want to pay with them ($MASA, USDC...) 0a9ca77
  • fix tests 63a7f0e
  • enable PaymentMethods in deployment scripts 5b2cb76
  • remove data from permissions 2bd4623
  • add SoulLinker.getPermissionInfo() 22c7d30
  • add events 79c0581
  • pay also when you have a protocol fee and the price is zero 99c58da
  • redeploy SoulStore 7f2bbc2
  • added helper method to verify and pay 815323e
  • rename owner to admin in deployment scripts db67437
  • fix: typescript errors f86c9f8
  • mint to address and to identity id in ASBT 3ac9af3
  • add mint paying a minting fee tests d5d6cb9
  • rename priceInETH and priceInStableCoin variables e4c5f1b
  • fix comments 6622b3d
  • validate authority signature 8cc114d
  • regenerate documentation 826360d
  • object destructuring in SoulName test 0b189b5
  • add period of registration 9e66f5e
  • add deployment process to deployment script ad089b6
  • revert changes in SoulName 3610c5e
  • implement pay in MasaSBTAuthority d10401e
  • add SOULNAME_PRICE parameters in env files aceb795
  • rename erc20token to enabledPaymentMethod d325d32
  • remove Utils library 9d2d896
  • add utils and interface for SoulBoundName ebd5f42
  • mint MASA tokens for SoulLinker test and remove data string from signature 8eaf9e2
  • add collect-minter-addresses script 3423f75
  • remove updateIdentityId() function df29eb3
  • rename tests from setMintingNamePrice to setRegisterPerYearNamePrice and dc125aa
  • add documentation to SoulboundIdentity b382554
  • added soul bound credit report 7874c0d
  • remove should fail to mint from owner address test 97778c4
  • generate addresses.json file 0b12de6
  • redeploy to celo a2ccc57
  • set PaymentGateway as AccessControl, not Ownable 3f7f37e
  • show all variables in check-deployment script b8479c3
  • create Soulbound2FA deployment script 55cd9a9
  • add getSBTLinks() function db16445
  • update 4e831a8
  • regenerate documentation 4559dc7
  • finish set a default SoulName tests 2014089
  • delete graphql folder 8825cff
  • add bitquery graphql files 8ce8775
  • regenerate docs a90ea3d
  • rename getSBTLinks to getSBTConnections a690217
  • update SoulName.getSoulNames() e3a9c89
  • prettify 71c2018
  • Add bulk mint function to ReferenceSBTAuthority 0ca0856
  • set SBT fee to zero f50caf2
  • solve issues in tests and use constants 5b33caf
  • verify if its not a local network or celo e6aee60
  • regenerate documentation 27f5a2c
  • return price amount with the specified paymentmethod in getPriceForAddPermission 51a8645
  • get purchaseNameInfo() depending on years period d64255e
  • add SBT token d318abf
  • update changelog 761fbcf
  • list all smart contracts for every network 8c35e6c
  • prettify 8775cb5
  • upgrade to 0.8.8 solc compiler in the smart contracts code 8c89d53
  • fix SoulStore tests for getting pricing 1b5f79e
  • get Mint and Transfer events information 0144f01
  • add restricted functions to soullinker da83382
  • prettify 6bd5ebc
  • update parameter names and add TODOs 7dc0e26
  • move the Dynamic ASBT and Dynamic SSSBT out of the reference folder 43e3e32
  • regenerate documentation 40796f5
  • update docs 602f6c5
  • regenerate documentation fe6b11f
  • use env payment params in deployment scripts 4cd0ba9
  • remove graphql and graphql-requet packages 84cb2e4
  • add graphql dependencies b52d636
  • use instead of a9f1146
  • change the way we iterate throw paymentMethods b4bd57e
  • regenerate documentation d703b32
  • don't deploy Soulbound2FA to mainnet 6bede51
  • add createLink() function to ISoulLinker interface 56d8d64
  • prettify c7938fb
  • update changelog 42b6d4f
  • mint erc-1155 test 3208f40
  • remove cache-array-length warning d5a154f
  • prettify b8a5062
  • regenerate documentation 663d87c
  • redeploy to mumbai 2005888
  • remove constants and paymentparams scripts 64ed776
  • change license from Apache-2.0 to MIT in smart contracts 2a8f04f
  • add documentation to SoulName 28b1411
  • fix SoulLinker tests b1964db
  • fix SBTEnumerable smart contract doesn't update _ownedTokens 59b3e0a
  • we can't purchase an identity and name with ERC20 if we don't have funds 7a35161
  • paginate results of graphql query 493ea3b
  • Add bug bount issue templates f1788e5
  • rename addPermissionPriceInfo() to getPriceForAddPermission() b5f7805
  • prettify d546a0a
  • remove unused vars 657eab8
  • add SoulFactory deployment script 80bef41
  • prettify 617ce3a
  • set SOULNAME_PRICE in celo and bsc 7b1c39a
  • add getPermissionSignatureDates() to SoulLinker e8b54d9
  • change 1 for YEAR constant f9eabd7
  • add purchase() a61ba27
  • remove paymentMethod 300d81b
  • create deployment script for identity router fe7ab94
  • add opbnb networks to deployment scripts bed27d6
  • fix tests 1e22564
  • made identity mint functions payable 5f356e0
  • fix tests cfb3d1b
  • create convertFromStableCoin() function 0c18bf4
  • store in soulLinks an array of tokens d152b48
  • rename $CORN to $MASA in tests bd68ad5
  • remove outdated docs 8b40a76
  • moved to Rinkby and updated curl 902a954
  • Add minting price environment parameters c3f524d
  • call uniswap to get ERC20 tokens ef968d1
  • remove test_factory folder c1098f5
  • add getDefaultSoulName() function to SoulLinker a0a894e
  • change erc20token to enabledPaymentMethod in inherited contracts 864fb2a
  • remove alfajores support 5402b94
  • add createLink() function 9dbaa08
  • add SoulFactory test initial code c26d166
  • add comments to NFT 880ae4c
  • add sepolia network 8c3f745
  • update docs 75c1173
  • add signature to mint function in SoulStore ebd6d86
  • use identity of the reader instead of his address in the tests 08a99ed
  • calculate tests using years 6610626
  • add test in local environment f41d9c6
  • add purchaseInfo() 538848b
  • implement getSoulNames() using multiple soulName SCs 4b115b0
  • update metadata ee76684
  • prettify 1e320da
  • call addAuthority() in self-sovereign SBTs deployment 98b654e
  • fix SoulName test 3c2e3dc
  • rename functions in tests d77b46e
  • add setSoulboundIdentity() and refactor getIdentityData() to SoulName 24d2e30
  • udpate docs 5f1fc44
  • update: packages and addresses 67682d4
  • add env parameters to .env.sssbt 9812f52
  • add soulNames in SoulLinker 31e225f
  • add a soulname reference in the soulstore 7b93672
  • add purchaseIdentity() function without payment method parameter fbf7384
  • add ReferenceSBTAuthority smart contract 1da6759
  • fix SoulLinker tests cdfa2cc
  • add ReentrancyGuard a9a8ab2
  • rename storePermission to addPermission 09d6b62
  • validate permissions reading the stored information a1e4efa
  • reuse constructor arguments when verifying SoulStore deployment bd3b250
  • remove unused DexAMM functions acd1666
  • we can purchase an identity and name or a name with ETH 165eb1c
  • add setSwapRouter() and setWrappedNativeToken() 9e61b20
  • create CORN deployment script 866b23b
  • remove Utils library ee80af8
  • add maxSBTToMint param in reference SBT constructors 49dee97
  • in PaymentGateway._pay(), pay with the specified amount without conversion b46e90b
  • iterate throw events, not throw totalSupply 651df66
  • mark functions as external c475044
  • prettify tests 8193df0
  • add SoulName.tokenURI(string) function 4211e12
  • update SC documentation 656538d
  • add different tokenURI for each tokenId 0b027ae
  • rename soulNameExists() to isAvailable() in tests 80f575b
  • prettify 48a0e9e
  • add functions for get identity name from identityId c69aa77
  • rename safeMint() to mint() dbee9a6
  • call _pay() method on MasaSBT a584649
  • update changelog d1efbd1
  • create mint functions for ASBT without paymentmethod fea4487
  • rename getLinkData to validateLinkData 1d3f7e6
  • regenerate docs 2a3d537
  • add fuction signatures to IUniswapRouter 6a68a31
  • add deployment for SoulBoundName b3cf9fa
  • don't get address of SoulName in SoulStore deployment 439dd36
  • add basegoerli network 2a8f5eb
  • redeploy to bsctest 95c7ca7
  • rename _tokenURI to tokenURI ccbab97
  • regenerate documentation d0822b4
  • rename SoulboundCreditReport to SoulboundCreditScore 7e7d4a0
  • add revokePermission() function feb4184
  • add parameters to SoulLinker deployment script c1e9362
  • create Soulbound2FA smart contract bba20f5
  • add dates attributes 01ab544
  • create SoulFactory SC 759b52e
  • add soulNameAlreadySet modifier e3f92ed
  • add SoulBoundFactory code fa2e89d
  • add oracleNodeStaking as minter and burner of stakingmasatoken 86be85b
  • add scroll network to hardhat config 1119e73
  • add env variables for opbnb 4cae6d5
  • add env variables for opbnbtest 5fd446e
  • add base environment variables 2f43b5e
  • prettify 7b3dabb
  • remove publish jobs 3a1ae8d
  • add CELOSCAN_API_KEY fae2766
  • regenerate documentation c34200a
  • regenerate documentation e5179ac
  • regenerate docs dbf544b
  • update docs 09556d6
  • let set payment params to zero 7a91433
  • add other networks to hardhat config 5d94416
  • set SoulStore as AccessControl, not Ownable a500a61
  • prettify c53ec12
  • add DexAMM inheritance in SoulLinker 7898eee
  • return only active names in getSoulNames() fef015f
  • we can purchase an identity and name with ERC20 afcc845
  • implement _mintSoulName() 3f69035
  • restore SoulName deployment 05a0d62
  • remove SoulBoundName deployment 65b67a2
  • remove IMasaSBTAuthority interface d2b6e4d
  • rename treasuryWallet to projectFeeReceiver in SCs 5d76ec0
  • add _getProtocolFee() function 013c66d
  • use identity of the reader instead of his address 2080fcd
  • add state variables 06591d7
  • remove info from tokenIdToName, soulboundnames and identityIdToNames when burn 2d14700
  • generate json in tokenUri() 3a1a974
  • Fix markdown styles 24273d8
  • put counter on MasaSBT smart contract bfcb5cc
  • add getPreMintStates, getPostMintStates, allPreMintStatesSet, and allPostMintStatesSet functions 303ffeb
  • check _preMintStates before mint 586ddfb
  • send protocolFeeSub to protocolFeeReceiver 818bb81
  • redeploy SoulStore d0854fa
  • read etherscan api key depending on network 676492a
  • rename script to minter-addresses 5607041
  • fix tests with the correct isAvailable() logic 2bcc752
  • prettify f88f2c8
  • remove pausable tests d73ecd3
  • don't raise an error when sc already verified by etherscan 2406ce0
  • add PROTOCOLFEE_PERCENT_SUB env variable e193171
  • remove substractProtocolFeeFromAmount and add protocolFeePercentSub 627d642
  • update docs 4cf97be
  • add tests for set a default SoulName c9abf3e
  • return default soul name in SoulLinker.getSoulNames() 6b919bb
  • let add more than one authority in the deployment scripts 1bf82c7
  • if the Link doesn't exist when revoking it, create it 1d456e5
  • publish docs 5d3a992
  • Revert "add hardhat-contract-sizer library" 1e0b1fc
  • add hardhat-contract-sizer library 6c65a29
  • add hardhat-contract-sizer plugin cac21c1
  • add _mintSoulboundIdentity() 5bb1a0d
  • rename factory to router 425c33c
  • use Typechain classes in tests 76e96e7
  • add setStatesAndMint() function 6c2a49c
  • fix typo c41fa3a
  • add payment parameters in SoulNamePurchased event 3814bb2
  • add payment parameters in SoulboundIdentityAndNamePurchased event b347529
  • remove .env.sssbt file ee5ad10
  • add addresses script af269bc
  • add name and symbol as constructor parameters 2b1c543
  • redeploy to alfajores b79760c
  • update comments cc19b27
  • rename PayDexAMM to PaymentGateway e610c70
  • add addErc20Token() and removeErc20Token() functions 1fae19e
  • calculate nameRegistrationPricePerYear per yearsPeriod 2f5bba8
  • rename identityIdToNames to identityIdNames e512a09
  • complete ISoulName interface 13552bc
  • verify SoulFactory 06d4c8f
  • implement purchaseIdentityInfo() and purchaseNameInfo() bceb27a
  • deploy Factory with stableCoin, wrappedNativeToken and swapRouter parameters c476f54
  • added specific api endpoints for metadata 027482e
  • fix issue in deployment script 9ac0b35
  • hardcode maxSBTToMint b43df3e
  • add protocolFeeWallet and protocolFeeAmount to paymentGateway 304ade3
  • update _beforeTokenTransfer() function eb75381
  • add check-deployment script 533d00f
  • add active return value to SoulName.getTokenData() 9cd86d4
  • remove hardhat-contract-sizer package ab7059f
  • add soulFactory as soulboundIdentity minter c1ca07d
  • grant the MINTER_ROLE to the SoulBoundIdentityRouter 4a61e98
  • update docs afc2ee3
  • change basegoerli environment variables 17f2b61
  • update changelog ddb443d
  • update changelog ad76f0c
  • add signature to mint function in SoulStore ea673c9
  • made SoulStore pausable a86413e
  • emit SoulboundCreditScoreMinted event 404867a
  • fix getTokenData() tests ba4f8dc
  • implement hasLinks() function 7fb05df
  • rename SoulFactory to SoulStore in deployment scripts 71c5344
  • update SC addresses in README 6120b9c
  • verify SoulboundCreditReport 1edf4d3
  • regenerate documentation 580224b
  • prettify d61b1b0
  • fix SoulLinker tests 38c742f
  • setSoulboundIdentity on SoulLinker when deploying a9754de
  • check that the reserve wallet received the utilitiy coin in the purchase 6f43c96
  • mintIdentityWithName() instead of mint() afe3f22
  • add documentation to SoulLinker 7afea7d
  • rename variables of MasaSBTDynamic on tests 13c282b
  • add getProtocolFeeSub() function 36847bb
  • update docs 31df86f
  • verify also Alfajores and Celo smart contracts ae7a076
  • set PAYMENT_METHODS for mainnets 7656967
  • add configuration variables for mumbai f2c04ca
  • add configuration variables for basctest f8b6cbd
  • add configuration variables for alfajores 38b8fdd
  • fix tests d773d3c
  • rename readDataPrice to queryLinkPrice b5b8a95
  • rename $MASA to MASA in smart contracts 1d9d268
  • regenerate documentation 2b28f1d
  • reorder parameters in signature verification and solve string signing issue caf0753
  • rename validateLinkData() to validatePermission() 9751057
  • rename admin to owner after merge branch a12e2d1
  • fix tests 4a32566
  • regenerate documentation 922e455
  • add extension() function to SoulboundIdentity 27b4031
  • rename SOULBOUND_NAME to SOUL_NAME fb738e1
  • add utils library 1e52ca4
  • prettify 83de644
  • fix BigNumber issue in SoulLinker test d804291
  • revert update _beforeTokenTransfer() method 81cdcb0
  • update _beforeTokenTransfer() method 8854657
  • update changelog 041fdc7
  • get length of the name as a parameter f837932
  • add signature to mint function in SoulboundIdentity d747ac9
  • add IdentityOwnerIsReader error 883d504
  • regenerate documentation c4a04c0
  • rename variables in SoulLinker ec7ebc8
  • rename minter-addresses script for goerli 5d65509
  • show information for every deployed SC 129a2b6
  • remove boolean-equal warnings 758fcfa
  • update docs a2d3826
  • delete _getSwapAmounts() function d129654
  • set convertFromStableCoin() function as internal 14780c4
  • solve Ownable inheritance issue 7d4e5ca
  • we can't purchase an identity with erc20 if we don't have funds 3032c2f
  • add setMintingPrice() 4775e94
  • added error on trying to transfer SBTs e2f94e8
  • updated metadata e521950
  • fix tests after adding Pay event d093100
  • regenerate documentation b542add
  • review private, external, public modifiers e49748b
  • pay fee in _pay() function 9e3324a
  • modify deployment scripts to deploy also SoulLinker and SoulboundIdentity 8d11445
  • update yarn.lock c2c6a48
  • add soulboundGreen payment method when deploying it 08ddcf5
  • rename erc20tokens to enabledPaymentMethods e57fbf7
  • rename MasaSBTChild to MasaSBTLinked a71976d
  • fix SoulName.transfer() function test 971e70f
  • check that the reserve wallet received the stable coin in the purchase a7aec87
  • return NAME_NOT_FOUND error in getTokenData efd1030
  • add purchaseName() 42453a0
  • change comment type for SCs ecb4c88
  • rename SoulBound to Soulbound d4d6526
  • update docs 4cace58
  • upgrade package versions 1cb0ec6
  • prettify .sol code 2d49463
  • rename to OracleNodeStaking 53a9789
  • upgrade to solc 0.8.18 and rename StakingMasaToken 6916e1a
  • prettify 909cb65
  • revert in getIdentityId() if not linked to an identity sbt c7759a7
  • add removeAuthority() function c3e11b3
  • regenerate documentation a96b400
  • let purchaseName() to another account 5d31399
  • rename DexAMM to PayDexAMM 9026788
  • add breakLink() function 6fcf37f
  • reuse constructor arguments when verifying SoulName deployment aa1673c
  • fix minting tests facfe56
  • we can purchase an identity and name with more ETH receiving the refund 56b1e69
  • add DexAMM constructor 5faea7c
  • verify signature 3c7d5bb
  • add getSoulNames() functions to SoulLinker a8f1e03
  • check paymentParamsAlreadySet modifier only when amount > 0 c5b82ff
  • set price for minting SoulName to zero 83d380f
  • update changelog 44a9f05
  • remove alfajores configuration f9feafb
  • get PAYMENT_METHODS from .env file in deployment scripts 5427ec2
  • add verifyOnEtherscan() function 9676871
  • we can't use an invalid payment method test 147b260
  • add getMintingPrice() to Self-Sovereign SBT 2603baf
  • add publish-npm workflow 64b13c5
  • reestructure .env consts 8879f92
  • fix tests 055de2c
  • fix test 5961159
  • add opbnb network etherscan options e2a3cc8
  • add token address to defaultSoulName a66fc40
  • add default soul name the first in the return array of getSoulNames() 22ab4ae
  • add setDefaultSoulName() function ac32793
  • regenerate documentation 6980d69
  • list total supply before listing minters 9e8ee60
  • made SoulLinker pausable d9a3deb
  • return paymentmethod in getPriceForAddPermission() 2f8d0f2
  • add getPaymentMethods() function 7ffcd46
  • restore data string in signature 5c9c06c
  • add setContractURI() to SoulName 681dc9a
  • remove should raise if we transfer the soul name to a user that doesn't have an identity test db7a2c7
  • remove unused test 5575fbe
  • we can't purchase an identity and name with ETH if we pay less 611f9bb
  • add parameters to SoulFactory constructor 9ba7d8e
  • remove owner of SBT identity c8bae1a
  • Update for first release c20f957
  • removed erc721 refernces from the soul linker 595b5b0
  • Make some SoulStore functions as virtual eb7a5c7
  • verify smart contract f6fd769
  • we can't set a default soul name of a non registered SoulName token 11ade17
  • deploy new SoulName SC in SoulLinker test a94356d
  • add .npmignore f1314af
  • add setDefaultSoulName() to SoulLinker 333506c
  • add getDefaultSoulName() function 15e29b5
  • add default PROTOCOLFEE_WALLET a4534de
  • update documentation 2eb718d
  • regenerate documentation 766f0c0
  • rename to 34fe9c3
  • change base uri configuration fbdbec2
  • set SoulLinker as AccessControl, not Ownable fbfa37b
  • update comments in PaymentGateway smart contract d4baf20
  • add ISoulboundIdentity interface bb4c841
  • rename SoulboundCreditReport to SoulboundCreditScore in deployment scripts f9bfd9f
  • update function 960e9c5
  • add permissions variables a67cbf0
  • read deployed smart contract addresses 2ba5046
  • rename $CORN to $MASA in SoulStore 8c1c914
  • fix tests add3157
  • swap for address1, not owner 9d1e0b5
  • read environment variables from process.env d30da6d
  • update addresses in README e2b3b03
  • use SoulBoundNameData struct 4c9825e
  • return json extension in the tokenURI() function 17b2d11
  • pin solidity version to 0.8.7 based on slither findings 7920c36
  • fix getIdentityId() without using identity 7823235
  • override supportsInterface() in MasaSBTSelfSovereign c26bcdc
  • remove unused file 28ede24
  • use minter-addresses script only in goerli 1ad67d8
  • deploy a SoulboundIdentity before testing SoulboundCreditReport ce6d2cb
  • add comments and set as abstract 86bbd0c
  • remove unused consts 8b638bd
  • add comments to SoulboundIdentity e82c600
  • add hardhat-gas-reporter parameters f47b4be
  • minor changes in deployment 56f7497
  • add tokenURI() to NFT d6e9b28
  • add setState() to ReferenceStatefulSBTAuthority 7dd35fb
  • set setState() functions as internal 47bc581
  • regenerate documentation f17e9b6
  • prettify 9160595
  • add tokenIds as return variable name da47e34
  • regenerate documentation 731c973
  • add soulName to soulStore 4690f41
  • rename sbtNames to names ee498b4
  • add protocol fee parameters to deployment scripts 40e7d08
  • update docs 0e7baec
  • don't get identity sc address on mumbai/polygon when deploying 39518d9
  • fix Soulbound2FA deployment script c06d54c
  • add payment params to env network files 09a9083
  • regenerate documentation 10e023c
  • regenerate documentation 24c0eca
  • remove _payWithMASA() function 9f062d0
  • add exists() function in NFTs and SBTs b88cd2a
  • add identity address to 2FA and creditReport constructor arguments 47d0867
  • added table of content 052dae4
  • rename from renewPeriod 8eac5e6
  • rewrite functions documentation 4ee9bb5
  • add renewPeriod function 51d81ba
  • update SC deployed address description in README file be690b5
  • reuse function calls in tokenURI() dd1542e
  • prettify 5083655
  • use instead of owner.getChainId() 34eb12a
  • we can purchase an identity with utility coin addd1ef
  • add factory as soulName minter 35eb6c2
  • add comments to SBT d31dce1
  • update a507ab9
  • prettify d4adb78
  • simplify .prettierrc a26c2f6
  • emit MintedToIdentity and MintedToAddress of self sovereign 13e566c
  • fix credit score test a0621b0
  • add protocolFeePercent variable to PaymentGateway 38997ad
  • update docs d299a8d
  • update docs 4aee369
  • add PAYMENT_METHODS variables in .env files 42e019f
  • update changelog 1f6f08e
  • update metadata efcc93a
  • fix error converting from USD to ETH b91e7d1
  • iterate throw events, not throw totalSupply 0862ebd
  • remove payable from SoulboundIdentity.mintIdentityWithName() 16b050f
  • let pay with any paymentMethod 0ef66c7
  • revert remove function f75052c
  • add EIP712 to Self-Sovereign SBTs 1ee3ea6
  • fix getTokenData() issues 64360db
  • add _payWithMASA() function e77c4e9
  • remove link before SBT transfer 98dbfa7
  • add soulboundIdentity variable to SoulLinker c76a16a
  • add release script 3a10b27
  • verify SoulboundIdentity d939f80
  • add mint() function to CORN c34b778
  • add comments to SoulboundCreditReport fbdba2a
  • add documentation to SoulboundCreditReport 1be989a
  • fix deployment error in test networks 6049853
  • prettify f96aec6
  • added deployment documentation 11aa172
  • rename to StakedMasaToken 5b01d1b
  • update docs 4874209
  • prettify 8478247
  • prettify 6659d9c
  • prettify 586ee74
  • prettify f0c65b9
  • list minter accounts without duplicates 2fdbdc8
  • show total minted tokens 2f6633e
  • list all tokenIds and minters e30f8d3
  • rename $MASA to MASA in tests 6323780
  • fix purchaseName() test 728b36d
  • regenerate documentation fa1e412
  • added sample metadata 25c6f9d
  • reuse constructor arguments when verifying SoulboundIdentity deployment c950e5a
  • reuse constructor arguments when verifying SoulboundCreditReport deployment ed79bde
  • Release 0.1.11 3de0714
  • verify SoulName e746c52
  • rename DAI_RINKEBY to CORN_RINKEBY d85ca15
  • remove not useful statements 7350db6
  • update SC addresses in README 3359f79
  • add installation and usage instructions 790bc3e
  • added changelog cc0dd5e
  • Soul Bound -> soulbound ea7182a
  • add substractProtocolFeeFromAmount parameter to PaymentGateway ced5c28
  • add parameters to setDefaultSoulName() in tests 0e5d6ba
  • add defaultName struct and mapping 34ada55
  • added reference sbts to the release bundle 2798936
  • update docs e67e5d5
  • update docs 83c06d5
  • add name and symbol to deployment scripts e1d62b6
  • check if Link already exists 68f9dea
  • rename parameter in _pay() function c872655
  • prettify 91e859d
  • update readme d564555
  • we set the registration prices per year and length of name fcf7c8e
  • check if the name is expired in renewPeriod() 79b8493
  • rename ISoulNameResolver to ISoulName ffc9ccc
  • use ISoulLinker instead of SoulLinker 8b0a05f
  • add SWAPROUTER_RINKEBY constant e946541
  • add setSoulboundIdentity() 966cc05
  • set view functions a00e092
  • add rinkeby network to hardhat configuration 8e6142c
  • update readme bd57ca5
  • regenerate flattened smart contracts ce03538
  • add bsc to deploy SoulboundIdentity script 9771de5
  • add payment params to SoulboundIdentity deployment script 98a1471
  • add PROTOCOLFEE_PERCENT to deployment scripts dcc8aca
  • remove unused tx const a21ab10
  • set variables in basegoerli when deploying 91f3617
  • modify scripts to deploy identity and name to basegoerli a133752
  • add SOULNAME_EXTENSION 57d026b
  • verify smart contracts in all networks except local network 7b6544b
  • change admin wallets in alfajores, bsctest and mumbai fc8a6ef
  • adapt getIdentityId() tests 3d5d7d4
  • in SoulName check DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE of OnlyOwner c5ea4d6
  • regenerate documentation c7718c9
  • check authority in check-deployment script 376aba7
  • rename $MASA to MASA 24c14e9
  • adapt unit tests to reflect the real flow 74b621e
  • regenerate documentation 349f8df
  • don't deploy Soulbound2FA to mainnet 263e171
  • rename $MASA to MASA c73ed71
  • update doc 88d7a36
  • rename $MASA to MASA in smart contracts cd647c1
  • rename unPause() to unpause() 74a3ee9
  • use onlyOwner in SoulName NFT instead of DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE c2e5417
  • getTokenData with an existing name, and a non-existing identity 5dcb480
  • reorder position of tests e6610b7
  • regenerate documentation 2ecd1ad
  • add YearsPeriodRenewed event 6e23f9e
  • restore changes deleted by merge d626b8e
  • regenerate documentation 27a3a5c
  • rename SoulFactory to SoulStore da1d89f
  • generate documentation f0c4421
  • prettify 88338f2
  • add README instructions for release bbd536d
  • fix tests daeeb9a
  • we can't purchase an identity with ETH if we pay less 3431917
  • fix get pricing tests b08c508
  • change network.config.chainId to 8f58ad2
  • generate docs 9ff8771
  • reorder constructor parameters 56749f3
  • Rewrite reverte messages in SBT e8ff9f6
  • rename soulboundIdentityContract to soulboundIdentity d67e1f6
  • add setReserveWallet() e1edb3f
  • add author a8ca315
  • check CallerNotOwner only on MasaSBTSelfSovereing c5bcec1
  • set pricing b0513f7
  • write addresses.json file c1a7a2e
  • fix check-protocol-fee script dd84840
  • add PROTOCOLFEE_AMOUNT env variable e412eec
  • deploy SoulStore script to mumbai/polygon 5e8bd72
  • add etherscan verify info for basegoerli 403ef60
  • remove celo verifier api key 9faa8be
  • set mint price depending on STABLECOIN_DECIMALS d6105b4
  • Create dependabot.yml 683908c
  • prettify 91d0a6f
  • add signature to mint function 8cc47ee
  • add getReaderLinks() function to SoulLinker a6fb38d
  • check if the link is revoked 6faf2da
  • list minter accounts without duplicates e9037d0
  • remove deployed masa token from deployment scripts 8eb252c
  • regenerate documentation 309e57f
  • update SoulName.getTokenData() 3142140
  • update 9c249f5
  • join tests of purchase an identity and name with ETH 4f3e699
  • complete getSoulNames() tests 8441e7e
  • move typescript package to devDependencies 09b19db
  • verify SoulLinker 617bbb7
  • set on push and pull_request github action values 1b36855
  • add getIdentityNames(address owner) 2b8c905
  • add typechain and build to dist 1fe86b6
  • fix lint comments 439e73d
  • add project fee receiver, swap router, usdc token, and weth token values 40c3687
  • add opbnb networks to hardhat config 88c065d
  • regenerate the documentation a1f0be6
  • add BASESCAN_API_KEY env variable 1294be8
  • mint a third name with the second soul name in soullinker test b98eaa5
  • Regenerate addresses file automatically on deploy SCs 358d9e5
  • set soulname prices to zero 20cddff
  • add mumbai and polygon to CreditScore deployment script 45b938f
  • use SOULNAME_PRICE variables values in deployment script 953c5bc
  • deploy SoulName to Alfajores and Celo aa3c321
  • get correct provider on deployment scripts 46115bd
  • change SWAPROUTER to SWAP_ROUTER 8db04bf
  • change masa soul names pricing fef7552
  • update README file b252128
  • fix SoulLinker deployment script issues cd974a4
  • in SoulStore, get price from getPriceForMintingName() instead of getNameRegistrationPricePerYear() 4bb7be2
  • fix tests 63cc974
  • rename SoulboundCreditReport to SoulboundCreditScore in check deployment script c88fe35
  • add mint(identityId) function in MasaSBTChild 2b60d72
  • update comments in MasaSBT 30d4bbc
  • remove unused statements in SoulboundIdentity deployment script 8472752
  • add reader address to getLinkData() 761a4c1
  • rename CORN to MASA in SoulStore deployment scripts 0aae8bb
  • rename CORN to MASA in deployment scripts 24dcfdd
  • rename $CORN to $MASA in tests 07584c7
  • rename owner to admin in NFT SC 0eb03a8
  • rename owner to admin in README 72fde69
  • calculate years of period 3932d6d
  • update changelog 486892f
  • adapt tests to the new interfaces inheritance implementation a3d0cf8
  • use ISoulName instead of SoulName 0d9ea53
  • check to execute verify 98421b3
  • we can't use an invalid payment method b58c62d
  • allowance to soul factory 36081cf
  • get chainId from signer wallet 360d75a
  • fix error in tests f39026a
  • create CORN token 496a989
  • add MINTER_ROLE to SoulboundIdentity SC 2a30555
  • remove setSoulBoundIdentity() function 5aea573
  • add tokenURI() function to SoulBoundName b51e618
  • set name and symbol statically 85371e0
  • update devDependencies in package.json ff933b6
  • deployer renounce to roles in stakingmasatoken f2041c2
  • fix _beforeTokenTransfer issue on MasaSBTDynamic b01f445
  • remove cache-array-length warning 888b67b
  • don't check balanceOf on MasaSBT derived smart contracts cb53ff5
  • add minters to ASBT 5d94fdb
  • update docs d1829c2
  • add base to deployment scripts 67fc74b
  • prettify 4e29f73
  • update changelog 94ed690
  • add STABLECOIN_DECIMALS env variable c2d780f
  • set Masa Green mint price to 1 USD fcfed67
  • remove addPermissionPrice from SoulLinker contract d384312
  • add alfajores addresses 144fc40
  • add Soulbound2FA to check-deployment 670c9b6
  • link Soulbound2FA to SoulLinker on deploy c88f31d
  • add contractURI public variable to SoulName a180b5d
  • rename owner to admin in .env files and add RESERVE_WALLET b1a5462
  • verify CORN deployment f20258a
  • add package info to publish to npm b72f04d
  • add .npmignore 7873b5e
  • move MasaDynamicSBTs to main contract folder 5204b1b
  • set purchaseIdentity as nonReentrant a51c189
  • add Pay event to PaymentGateway c55eea5
  • set opbnb env variables cb5132c
  • add basescan to verify smart contracts a076a9d
  • Create .deepsource.toml 180fb5c
  • remove files section from package.json a6dbd0e
  • regenerate documentation d944702
  • add ReentrancyGuard to ReferenceSBTAuthority 660ee1a
  • update comments in sbt self-sovereign ebc8c3f
  • verify deployments also in basegoerli 977f4d0
  • added code owners 6b4c500
  • set variables also on base goerli deployment b2f53e5
  • don't verify smart contracts on basegoerli ed098d1
  • update changelog 55306a7
  • rename SoulName name and symbol bb1ff6a
  • update docs 0d55971
  • update docs 6d178d1
  • change SOULNAME_NAME and SOULNAME_SYMBOL in Celo and Alfajores 4ce63ad
  • prettify cd66434
  • remove conditions to verify smart contract a3ff383
  • deploy SoulStore to Alfajores and Celo a630b84
  • deploy SoulboundIdentity to Alfajores and Celo c964375
  • update changelog bf8e671
  • set ADMIN accounts a2e4e46
  • move PaymentParams script to src/ 97b2edc
  • regenerate documentation 6272dfd
  • add _readerLinks mapping to SoulLink f5803cf
  • get addPermissionPrice from SBT token 9263841
  • revert removing alfajores from hardhat config file 5bd1fcf
  • rename $MASA to MASA in deployment scripts 3f7d9d4
  • made self-sovereign mint() functions payable 2b53c4d
  • rename getPaymentMethods to getErc20Tokens in SoulStore test 320b702
  • fix error message to NAME_REGISTERED_BY_OTHER_ACCOUNT d2b0bb8
  • set stableCoin in SoulLinker deployment script 2129d56
  • object destructuring in SoulboundIdentity test 95420a6
  • show MASA balance f37420c
  • restore _beforeTokenTransfer() function in NFT 58f08e9
  • rename ADMIN to OWNER in all the .env files 91205cc
  • fix SoulLinker test issue 6418df4
  • create link after SBT transfer e2df88b
  • add oldIdentityId to IdentityIdUpdated event fd5d415
  • prettify SoulStore 94d6e45
  • rename owner to admin in SoulStore SC 09d77a4
  • regenerate documentation d778dfc
  • fix SoulName tests 8ba9127
  • revert _getName() changes 07404c4
  • return _getUrl a7e3272
  • add _getUrl() and _getImageUrl() cffcab1
  • add _getName() function 1de7d27
  • update gas and gasPrice to auto 9e77a6f
  • prettify 1850836
  • add WETH_RINKEBY constant aa02de2
  • rename soulboundIdentity to soulboundIdentityContract f9f7a78
  • router should mint from non-owner address 9e54549
  • add mint tests 20d1723
  • update addresses in README 823ec0e
  • fix tests d901976
  • remove Ownable from SoulBoundToken de508f1
  • remove addAuthority() from ASBT deployment e25e31e
  • read smart contract addresses 27a9fc9
  • set soulbound2FA variables on test networks 3ced560
  • remove enablePaymentMethod() from SoulStore test 22b7b9f
  • fix SoulStore test 444eb5b
  • add CallerNotOwner error eee3b16
  • convert from stable coin to ETH 430cb2c
  • add erc20 tokens for tests fcb6eb8
  • check that the last registered tokenId for that name is the current token f99f514
  • update SoulName.renewYearsPeriod() 7dc1a98
  • prettify 9b6d189
  • add expirationDate to Link struct b851deb
  • prettify c6c4d5f
  • use require instead of revert in getIdentityData() a089279
  • check if user has an identity getIdentityData() ff077b3
  • fix "Stack too deep" issue d44a392
  • change description and add url fiels 6fef8dd
  • mint CORN on test SoulFactory f3e2b15
  • add release instructions to README 735919e
  • rename .env.secret to .env 54eddcd
  • prettify c7f6b64
  • prettify ac7db5a
  • add IUniswapRouter smart contract e2331c7
  • prettify fb1ca2b
  • change tokenId parameter name in mint() 2f5e656
  • remove publish instructions cdb47da
  • add publish instructions to README d2288c5
  • add getInfuraApiKey() function f154b0e
  • rename to StakedMasaToken 1de71bf
  • remove flatten script ed3032f
  • set reentrancyGuard only on pay 4ba8964
  • fix tests f92fd53
  • don't set variables on opbnb network cecf6d0
  • update addresses.json 407ab70
  • prettify b0862ae
  • add bsctest to deploy SoulboundIdentity script aa5af06
  • add isSoulName mapping 066223c
  • modify the README file to get the addresses of the deployed contracts 2141f2f
  • remove getDefaultSoulName from SoulboundIdentity 9df593c
  • add getDefaultSoulName() to SoulboundIdentity 6dee2c5
  • add getDefaultSoulName() to ISoulName 96eef2b
  • set identity reference in derived smart contracts fb2af78
  • set identity reference in derived smart contracts 439022a
  • update hardhat configuration 7952d29
  • let add more than one authority in the deployment scripts 34ad57c
  • deployment script of SoulStore to basegoerli d7da078
  • change mumbai swap configuration to sushiswap 3b79f56
  • set SWAP_ROUTER, USDC_TOKEN and WETH_TOKEN in polygon 50673a7
  • set SWAP_ROUTER, USDC_TOKEN and WETH_TOKEN in bsc 8105dcc
  • set MASA_TOKEN 0441bdf
  • set RESERVE_WALLET 3c3a426
  • set AUTHORITY_WALLET 8819099
  • add network to base uri 0621b15
  • fix Constants file import case 773afea
  • add data to _readerLinks when creating or revoking link e80d2e0
  • remove MASA from check-deployment script cba051b
  • remove MASA from check-deployment script 6041148
  • fix merge errors 0fc8f55
  • add LinkAlreadyExists error bfe3e12
  • enable ETH PaymentMethod in tests 1b4ec9b
  • remove uninitialized-local warning edfa9b5
  • collect information from identity minters instead of name minters d749fe1
  • add mainnet to hardhat.config 5c3cfad
  • prettify f45ae20
  • fix getErc20Tokens test 9222a56
  • remove address2 in self-sovereign sbt tests 28a0ce5
  • add MASA dependencie to SBTs deployment c1ca81e
  • add check when converting to stable coin 446378d
  • add erc20token mapping to add more payment methods 3a57a42
  • added beta banner f5b184a
  • regenerate SC documentation e7e5d92
  • catch error reading soulLinker.linkedSBTs fe7e810
  • rename admin to owner in README 1a64b86
  • disable _isIdentityApprovedOrOwner() function 30026bd
  • set SoulLinker mappings as private d13c01c
  • add soulLinks and linksToSoul mappings to SoulLinker 427e48e
  • remove baseTokenURI from SoulName constructor 8b67532
  • rename owner to admin in SoulboundCreditReport SC 4ba54a8
  • rename owner to admin in SoulboundCreditReport SC 7f56975
  • rename owner to admin in SoulName SC cd42cee
  • rename owner to admin in SoulboundIdentity SC f734514
  • reuse constructor arguments when verifying SoulLinker deployment 7853f12
  • reuse constructor arguments when verifying CORN deployment 05b316e
  • update hardhat configuration d204b8e
  • updated metadata endpoint fabc298
  • if the last owner of the name is burning it, remove the name from nameData 3a9c5eb
  • use SafeMath in SoulName c3efd40
  • fix commas in json 0ba517d
  • add image and imageUrl to metadata 053124d
  • solve REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED, when needed 7b62128
  • change SC const addresses be7dfb0
  • change SC const addresses 09ce681
  • use USDC_RINKEBY constant in deployment c3fd0ae
  • prettify c1ed2c2
  • add comments to IUniswapRouter 701161e
  • correct indentation eee85aa
  • rename env example files cd969fa
  • remove overrides to ERC721 and IERC721 bd26b23
  • override burn function 178a699
  • implement resolveName() 9a1cc56
  • set owner to owner, not sender f8f466b
  • update instructions to use typechain classes de02872
  • update yarn.lock de7e26f
  • remove npx call in scripts dd77ecd
  • update rinkeby addresses of SCs in README a1d9665
  • review SoulBoundToken.constructor() variables names 923ab51
  • update SC addresses in README 7a3b8ca
  • fix build a32141d
  • add addresses of deployed contracts in the README file 077a446
  • add SCROLLSCAN_API_KEY variable 9cbf271
  • add OPBNB_API_KEY variable 339c78f
  • add base to hardhat configuration 35285d4
  • add addresses.json and remove deployments/ folder from package 4bad27a
  • fix test build 5e949f6
  • update _beforeTokenTransfer() function override b6b8baf
  • set minting price for SoulboundCreditScore when deploying e13e90c
  • add payment params to env example file d03bed2
  • check removeAuthority() using role instead of ownership 5397dd3
  • remove addAuthority() duplicated code from SoulStore deployment 7d24197
  • add addAuthority() to SoulStore deployment script 4657f72
  • add authority on soulStore deployment 59f46d2
  • remove tool scripts from package.json 5c21559
  • check that signature date is valid f3b9b3e
  • fix issues in SoulStore test f76995d
  • change modifiers of SoulName.renewYearsPeriod() 8273736
  • add nonReentrant modifier to SoulName.renewYearsPeriod() 0dca1ad
  • add AUTHORITY_WALLET to environment variables 13fc38b
  • reorder parameters in test 2974144
  • prettify 70efe4c
  • add uris register in SoulName to verify that the URI doesn't exist bf1502f
  • check that the last registered tokenId for that name is the current token when renewing period fd0e831
  • prettify 1cfe561
  • adapt ISoulName interface e2f1e91
  • remove name parameter from purchaseIdentity() 9e337f3
  • add comments 4c21199
  • add variables and constants to DexAMM 8d7a5f2
  • prettify a61534b
  • remove minter role modifier from updateIdentityId() 67d726c
  • check values when minting 1241833
  • add .env.example.secret file 4f8f69c
  • rename repository name 02a72a5
  • prettify 006ff21
  • fix set states on setStatesAndMint() function e32ce93
  • fix signature in tests 91716a3
  • set admin and project fee receiver 9fb1dd2
  • add opbnbscan api keys 8b2f176
  • set USDC and WETH addresses 5d53885
  • add admin and project fee b5b7e3d
  • add swap router and masa token addresses ee3c937
  • add solcInputs folders to npmignore 19217cf
  • remove getDefaultSoulName from ISoulName 7e59118
  • fix soul linker test c4cba90
  • regenerate docs d0d28ee
  • fix comments a36b399
  • set mint price to zero 0d18b8a
  • change minting price to 1$ 949b115
  • change swap router and WMATIC addresses 7253052
  • set minting price to zero on mumbai 2595c9b
  • change SoulboundIdentity name and symbol 9df78fd
  • change Soulname name and symbol c4c0701
  • change SoulName name and symbol ba9c4dd
  • execute post-deploy tasks also in alfajores network 2f230a0
  • ses SOUL_NAME_CONTRACT_URI and PAYMENT_METHODS_SOULSTORE on celo env parameters f0bd0a3
  • fix deployment issue in SoulboundIdentity 13b862b
  • rename networks in etherscan api key configuration 128c292
  • set default 6 decimals in stable coin 898ef36
  • change Masa Green token symbol to MG-2FA 84c8a28
  • set SWAP_ROUTER and WETH_TOKEN in celo 6b2d638
  • remove comments in .env files e21b6ac
  • set SWAP_ROUTER and USDC_TOKEN in celo 70e0d5e
  • fix stable and wrapped token values for alfajores network 863256e
  • prettier 7430782
  • rename test method 1f8a8a6
  • fix tests 031240a
  • remove public const DAI_GOERLI 2489202
  • remove console.log() calls b0c8648
  • remove enablePaymentMethod() deployment code f0fbcd5
  • add ADMIN and RESERVE_WALLET de67bf8
  • fix string hash calculation issue in signature validation cb1d1b4
  • add proper comments to revokeLink() function 77af1f1
  • rename readDataPrice to queryLinkPrice db73fc9
  • add readerIdentityId and signatureDate to LinkData 3a90423
  • prettify 37cfe2a
  • updated owners dd4fc6b
  • updated owners 93360a9
  • remove mintPrice from ILinkedSBT c67011d
  • made addPermission() function payable 4868831
  • show total supply in every line cd0fcc2
  • fix test bcd3c71
  • fix test issue 53b6add
  • add .env.mainnet 211c4de
  • remove function f829120
  • remove function c030b0b
  • prettify 2f53c82
  • prettify decceed
  • prettify 74e5a2d
  • update SoulName.burn() f9bdd29
  • prettify 401f813
  • fix getTokenData() tests 48c9ab7
  • fix test errors when minting same URI 825c728
  • add file bc40257
  • add IdentityIdUpdated event 305fd5c
  • remove baseTokenURI from SoulName deployment 8711bbb
  • use RESERVE_WALLET as parameter when deploying SoulStore afe7abd
  • fix SoulFactory deployment d437433
  • fix isAvailable() functions 31a72d6
  • fix SoulName.transferFrom() 81e515a
  • adapt test of SoulName to don't get directly a json from tokenUri() 5c2759c
  • solve REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED, when needed d556adc
  • solve REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED, when needed c443fb6
  • solve REPLACEMENT_UNDERPRICED, when needed 13320b0
  • add INFURA_API_KEY secret in github actions 42b5a76
  • if rinkeby or hardhat set CORN address statically 58b386c
  • fix issue in real network test 14f88d1
  • add IUniswapRouter interface 4a85c30
  • rename revert messages in tests db52040
  • rename soulboundIdentity to soulboundIdentityContract 7f7f2c6
  • concatenate extension to name 3f73fb5
  • revert publish changes 6b03f8b
  • add dist/ and typechain/ to .prettierignore b6a6aa7
  • review SoulBoundCreditReportn.constructor() variables names a67784d
  • review SoulBoundIdentity.constructor() variables names 5efa6b8
  • added documentation for base_uri config parameter 2c0cd42
  • rename c3b7ab4
  • add scrolltest to deployment scripts 2a4e811
  • add substractProtocolFeeFromAmount to PaymentParams 9d5959d
  • regenerate addresses.json 322b656
  • deploy SoulboundIdentity to bsctest e100e36
  • remove solcInputs reference from files 2cb85c2
  • remove console.log 83fc93c
  • set minting price env variables for base goerli 22b6532
  • use SOULBOUNDGREEN_MINTING_PRICE parameter in deployment script e5a7a6a
  • use SOULBOUNDCREDITSCORE_MINTING_PRICE parameter in deployment script b4e64cd
  • don't include test folder in dist d78cfe0
  • add @types/sinon-chai package 04a651f
  • don't set mint price of masa green token when deploying it 1906749
  • let set address 0 to soulboundidentitty da34440
  • remove CallerNotReader error 9ef13a2
  • add custom errors in PaymentGateway 8e842b6
  • fix test issue 848a6ac
  • check that the last registered tokenId for that name is the current token 3d5d756
  • prettify SoulboundIdentity test 499ba87
  • include changelog in docs c27a044
  • add SOUL_NAME_CONTRACT_URI parameter to SoulName constructor call ca5ca93
  • add SOUL_NAME_CONTRACT_URI to .env files 914c0fb
  • remove console.logs in tests 4957382
  • remove unused imports from SoulName 7435baa
  • change order of imports in SoulName 2e79bc1
  • yarn install & build when test github action ca66721
  • simplify getIdentityNames() function 575d396
  • set baseUri on SoulName deployment 3968823
  • add view modifier to ISoulName functions 98f29e2
  • remove publish script 977b355
  • remove echo in github actions ed3f175
  • use DAI in rinkeby instead of $CORN 863e4b6
  • add test_factory to tsconfig.json 1f29deb
  • Rewrite reverte messages in SoulName e557755
  • Rewrite reverte messages in SoulboundIdentity 3a6042b
  • restore prepare script 50c0cdb
  • update preparations instructions in README 2d1d3f8
  • Release 0.1.0 ca3276b
  • update package version d482223
  • rename to StakingMasaToken 921a49b
  • set package as 1.0.0 fb194db
  • Update and rename StakingMasaToken.sol to stMasaToken.sol 42098db
  • fix typo on deployment script 7983739
  • set solc to 0.8.7 version b5258a4
  • set setStatesAndMint() as nonReentrant 7931ce8
  • fix _hash error 560e30c
  • fix test description c482ea3
  • fix: boolean comparison 6e595d6
  • fix: immutable max sbt c037906
  • set purchaseName() function as nonReentrant 06dd328
  • comment _beforeTokenTransfer() d715f3f
  • check that token exists on setState() 3bd444b
  • set admin account a9e9178
  • add protocol fee receiver 94cf71d
  • add scroll scripts 1ef5e92
  • update addresses.json file 2d4efb9
  • set protocol fee percent on opbnbtest 181bee0
  • add opbnb scripts to package.json 3a1aed5
  • node 18 e96eb13
  • Release 1.10.1 a82f47f
  • Release 1.10.0 931eb76
  • Release 1.8.6 44038a9
  • Release 1.8.5 66e1926
  • Change swap router on Base network c494061
  • Release 1.8.4 d844c07
  • set admin account 2d7e8b6
  • change base url 3dc8460
  • add admin account 8c7a9c3
  • remove admin account 12c9776
  • Release 1.8.3 522d445
  • Release 1.8.2 e49f334
  • Release 1.8.1 ec14754
  • fix deploy:basegoerli script typo 01311d8
  • upgrade to 0.8.8 solc compiler in hardhat config d674a7c
  • check that soulname is registered on setting a default soul name 14a20af
  • add soulName when deploying SoulLinker 133d197
  • Release 1.8.0 67cf632
  • remove console logs fd9de76
  • Release 1.7.3 91cc912
  • Release 1.7.2 291e4c6
  • Release 1.7.1 f565c3e
  • add artifact reference json files in package 80d64d1
  • Release 1.7.0 1b6fc12
  • Release 1.6.1 1ae880d
  • Release 1.6.0 4e6d90c
  • rename protocolFeeWallet to protocolFeeReceiver d6fc382
  • fix issue in price range test 5a83676
  • fix issue with nonReentrant modifier 3cf32b5
  • Release 1.5.3 e25a99f
  • add two authorities to base goerli configuration cd903b2
  • change authority in Base Goerli network 4904115
  • Release 1.5.2 5c98425
  • Release 1.5.1 7e62523
  • Release 1.5.0 348255b
  • Release 1.4.4 080f435
  • Release 1.4.3 1de51b0
  • Release 1.4.2 6c42edf
  • Release 1.4.1 c970ba3
  • remove cUSD as payment method on Celo c9c7794
  • Enable USDC payment method on Alfajores 18dbf14
  • use ubeswap instead of sushiswap 8c2856c
  • Fix price range in SoulStore test af695ae
  • properly setup dependabot efd4eef
  • Release 1.4.0 7eeb006
  • prettify 567518b
  • fix issue getting deployer account on basegoerli 1736d71
  • Release 1.3.7 6df4415
  • increased the delta slightly to make the test green again 2165f52
  • Release 1.3.6 9b24c99
  • Release 1.3.5 109f900
  • Release 1.3.4 6c01051
  • Release 1.3.3 454beea
  • Release 1.3.2 8a7dcfb
  • remove js files from pretier bfd63de
  • fix mint invalid link test a3e3b61
  • Release 1.3.1 3ba53cb
  • Release 1.3.0 88208c9
  • set set apiURL for Alfajores 6481af8
  • set apiURL for Celo 4c52e46
  • update gooddollar address 7b46c42
  • fix error in hardhat config 98340c4
  • Release 1.2.1 19d66ad
  • Release 1.2.0 548e4f2
  • change polygon RPC 6e75342
  • update ADMIN in mainnet d12cac0
  • Release 1.1.5 ec17bbd
  • Release 1.1.4 65d15e7
  • Release 1.1.3 eb8fd44
  • fix masa green test 36bbda6
  • Release 1.1.2 a3ac3cc
  • Release 1.1.1 dfb1115
  • Release 1.1.0 541565a
  • Release 1.0.0 ff17132
  • Release 0.7.1 2adcbc1
  • change admin wallet in mainnet 1724495
  • set gasPrice as auto 7c7de0e
  • added authority 4569568
  • change visibility of toSlice() function cd7c668
  • Release 0.7.0 81d7945
  • fix getNameRegistrationPricePerYear() test c30fd45
  • update metadata 8dc6d38
  • Release 0.6.1 274b8f7
  • change goerli authority address b793441
  • Release 0.6.0 32214ed
  • rename ILinkedSBT to ILinkableSBT e1a73fd
  • rename ILinkedSBT smart contract 16fd423
  • increment stepCount 1affaf4
  • fix issue with wrappedNativeToken 6759fb6
  • fix tests b2f119b
  • udpate mainnet config f21fdf8
  • remove nonReentrant modifier to 84aeef0
  • remove nonReentrant modifier to SoulLinker.revokePermission() fcc9867
  • add nonReentrant modifier to SoulLinker.revokePermission() 3cc5f13
  • add nonReentrant modifier to 3671c44
  • regenerate documentation bb5bb05
  • show name and symbol for every SoulName 3ed66bf
  • Delete used URI of a SoulName when burning it d213d2b
  • set mainnet gasPrice to 100000000000 266f7f3
  • change alfajores link to goerli link in README 40e1a60
  • Release 0.5.0 8df66b9
  • Fix double spelling comment 03ac65e
  • change MASA token address for tests 007981a
  • prettify 7520725
  • remove require check in MasaSBTLinkedPayable bc50731
  • regenerate documentation 04b780d
  • change MCR symbol to MCS in tests e1220af
  • fix issue with address2 (in goerli it has a positive usdc balance) bcb6e20
  • rename SoulboundCreditReport to SoulboundCreditScore in README d91767b
  • fix issue with address2 (in goerli it has a positive usdc balance) 435690d
  • update documentation b776e4a
  • Fix comment in return parameter cf8619d
  • rename credit report -> credit score b88b220
  • rename credit-report to credit-score c83d0c2
  • fix issue with address2 (in goerli it has a positive usdc balance) f5e5dd3
  • fix issue with address2 (in goerli it has a positive usdc balance) e83af8d
  • if the last owner of the name is burning it, remove the name from nameData 8c0b79d
  • fix getTokenData() return type 1d100bc
  • remove unused variables 1809e7e
  • rename test to addPermission must work paying with $MASA without an exchange rate eb50b21
  • Release 0.4.2 7d6f845
  • only update docs on main/master push not PR 50e714b
  • add validations in SoulStore constructor 67cefe8
  • Release 0.4.1 aa22448
  • Release 0.4.0 9743f0a
  • fix deployment dependency 51d3b5e
  • revert console.log reader and owner identity ids a7e0d35
  • console.log reader and owner identity ids c9d161c
  • object destructuring in SoulboundIdentity test 60a56fd
  • Release 0.3.1 4c50d09
  • Release 0.3.0 21da70a
  • fix check of expirationDate in SoulLinker c6b552e
  • Release 0.2.1 595d125
  • fix typo error in scripts fcb0ad4
  • fix typo error in tests 6463349
  • rename $CORN to $MASA in constants 750f81f
  • rename CORN to MASA smart contract 3bfad5b
  • rename $CORN to $MASA in SoulStore ceec9a8
  • rename $CORN to $MASA in CORN smart contract 406d0e6
  • fix whitespaces 38302d8
  • update endpoints 816718b
  • chech that SoulName.tokenURI contains ar:// or ipfs:// 279e48e
  • Release 0.2.0 118b0ae
  • rename SoulFactory to SoulStore in README cd7f7a8
  • expirationDate greater equal instead of greater 19afae3
  • return value instead of assigning value in isAvailable() a8b2e6b
  • properly rename ticker and name of soul name 08f43c8
  • Release 0.1.12 db35d22
  • fix issue with getIdentityData() d07cc79
  • add balanceOf() to ISoulboundIdentity interface 08c2360
  • remove console.log in test 36a2c79
  • Release 0.1.9 db72aec
  • update README ae4f437
  • Release 0.1.8 915f518
  • read GITHUB_TOKEN from .env c1fe23e
  • Release 0.1.7 61a82f9
  • fix hook issue 423977b
  • prettify 60c6801
  • move hardhat-etherscan to dev dependencies 838baf6
  • remove DEADLINE constant 5fe67e2
  • rename github action b512180
  • read process.env.INFURA_API_KEY 6bd1814
  • add constants file 88f9a86
  • change rinkeby USDC address e9f057b
  • fork rinkeby instead of mainnet 5808dee
  • add Ubeswap address d3d5518
  • remove compiler hint 2928940
  • add SoulName as dependecy of SoulFactory deployment b7e41bb
  • remove unused statements e420296
  • remove unused variables 2b730d3
  • add test:factory script 0f243c5
  • fix bug 2b90203
  • add TODO in deployment d46d04a
  • changed extension from .sol -> .soul cf37c45
  • update SC addresses in README d8aaf7b
  • fix SoulBoundName deployment aef679a
  • add ethereum-waffle to tests 355fc5c
  • rename publish script b447438
  • add publish script be930ab
  • update package name 259af28
  • add src/ folder to prettier a90a351
  • use same owner address in rinkeby and alfajores 7e061c0
  • add .env.rinkeby 6b4a6c2
  • update repository name in package.json 5d0bf39
  • fix typo 39c90a6
  • added soul linker 375e2ee
  • fix metadata uri 9f458c9
  • Update image URL 580e2cf
  • add sepolia etherscan api key 9f85960
  • add sepolia network e73b69f
  • check that token exists on setState() d8b9c9d
  • regenerate addresses.json file c89662d
  • don't deploy SoulboundGreen dabadfd
  • add deploySSSBT script 49016e6
  • remove typechain folder from npmignore 9ecf6c4
  • add solcInputs folders to npmignore 49975fd
  • remove solcInputs from npmignore a0e3026
  • fix deployment script 8f32035
  • add SoulName dependency in SoulLinker deployment 3ca8341
  • added gitattributes f3891f7
  • include contracts folder in npm package 11f15c7
  • allow arweave exit nodes as well as metadata url a41258b
  • add STABLECOIN_DECIMALS env variable 669abba
  • remove console log INFURA_API_KEY 52d4335
  • console log INFURA_API_KEY 5d0e411
  • check CreditScoreAlreadyCreated when minting to address cfe94af
  • remove DAI_TOKEN from env example file 122291a
  • remove BITQUERY_API_KEY 7ebba0b
  • add BITQUERY_API_KEY to .env 6d051be
  • add soulName.exists() test 1909c61
  • add soulboundIdentity.exists() test 056ad6a
  • don't let mint more than one credit score 4bae8ca
  • made _mintWithCounter() function virtual c76c4bc
  • add price in MASA to SoulLinker constructor call 3038231
  • fix comments in storePermission() c2e14e4
  • add dependency in SoulLinker deployment script 69382d7
  • update README 8b1f343
  • publish docs 5ed6100
  • fix deployment dependencies a4e8dd6
  • check that the caller of getLinkData() is the authorized reader 4ae7a53
  • validate expirationDate on getLinkData() deae15f
  • add useUnknownInCatchVariables option in tsconfig 4d98211
  • add Soul Factory Definition to README 937c222
  • add GITHUB_TOKEN to .env 58cbde6
  • add TODO 31aeb6d
  • fix SoulFactory deployment c0651aa
  • add require in minting price 882d437
  • remove console log caf2e00
  • added sample env b486ea5
  • update SoulboundIdentity constructor in deployment 6ac21bf
  • remove typo 4c6e460
  • remove import from deployment 5b29aa5
  • add CHANGELOG file 29a86d2
  • png version 1f7f2b1
  • rename Soulbound2FA smart contract file 4da0601
  • rename Constants.ts file 4503b00
  • rename Constants 16ef54a
  • rename Constants file 1f27206
  • rename Constants file 7b535b2
  • rename SoulboundCreditScore deployment script 407b9ad
  • fix casing 277dc78
  • convert .env.rinkeby to .env.goerli b1c5f9a
  • remove .gitkeep file from test folder d4d2136
  • remove migrations folder 57c06cb
  • fix build 08f7fde