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Hardware and Network Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Nodes can run on any hardware for which you can build a golang application.

Our smallest nodes are running GCP on e2-standard-2 instances, with 2 vCPUs, 8GB RAM, and 10GB SCSI drives. This works well for running a node to test out the protocol, or you could even try running it on something much smaller for fun.

While a Masa Protocol node itself requires few resources to run on testnet, if you wish to create a worker node that performs a useful task, such as running an LLM model, your hardware choices should be dictated by the requirements of that task.

Network Requirements

If your node will participate in the network as a "Worker," doing data scraping, or providing LLM, etc., you will need to open the following ports to inbound traffic:

  • 4001 (TCP; UDP as well if behind NAT)

  • 8080 (TCP)

  • port 8080 is only required to provide access to the API, and can be changed with environment configuration.

  • Only 4001 is required to be open publicly for participation in the p2p Masa Protocol network as a Worker node.

  • A basic node will still find the bootnodes and register itself as part of the network without any specific inbound ports open.