Participating on the Testnet and earning MASA

This guide will assist you in setting up your Masa miner node for the testnet, where you can earn rewards by configuring Twitter scrapers.


Set environment variables

Add the following testnet bootnodes configuration to your .env file:


Do not share your .env file or any private keys. Keep your node’s configuration secure at all times.

Restart your node

Restart the Masa node to apply the changes.

Verify configuration

Check the logs for confirmation of successful connection to the testnet bootnodes.

Join the Testnet

Testnet Rewards

For detailed information on Masa Protocol Testnet Miners, including the Testnet Extension, Priority List, and rewards for Super Miners and Power Miners, visit our Medium article: Masa Protocol Miners: Testnet Extension, Priority List & Super Miner Rewards


If you are participating in the testnet, you can check the leaderboard here.